AIM Processing Small Plastic Parts Blog

5 Major Advantages to Using Plastic Injection Molding for Manufactured Parts

Posted: September 19, 2024 by Jon Gelston


Our customers find plastic injection molding to be an extremely useful method of manufacturing their plastic parts. This type of manufacturing process provides several notable advantages in comparison to other methods of plastic part manufacturing that can benefit your company. Learn more about the five most significant advantages of this extremely efficient process below:

1. Advantages to Using Plastic Injection Molding: Complex Geometry

Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of plastic injection molding is the fact that this method of manufacturing is incredibly well-suited for producing detailed and complex parts geometries. Because of our position as a plastic injection molder, AIM is well positioned to collaborate with customers who require creative design solutions. Moreover, not only is this method of manufacturing ideal for complex part geometries, it also can be depended upon to produce consistent and uniform parts, even for large production runs.

2. Advantages to Using Plastic Injection Molding: Production Efficiency

In addition to providing excellent results for complex and detailed parts, plastic injection molding also offers the benefit of considerable production efficiency. This type of part manufacturing is known for quick turnaround time between cycles, which is the key factor to enabling high production output. This type of production is especially efficient in comparison to more hands-on methods of manufacturing parts, such as machining. Therefore, since injection molding is less labor intensive, it saves even more production time.

3. Advantages to Using Plastic Injection Molding: Increased Part Strength and Durability

Quick turnaround times do not come at the expense of quality, as is evident with AIM’s plastic injection molded parts. Because of the way plastic is injected into the tool, it is mechanically stronger than additive manufacturing processes such as 3D printing. Injection molding is known for increasing part strength and durability, while simultaneously reducing production times. This is possible due to the design considerations that factor into the plastic injection molding process; at AIM, our expert team analyzes our customers’ projects before they go to production, catching design issues and solving them before they become trouble.

4. Advantages to Using Plastic Injection Molding: Material Flexibility

Material flexibility does not necessarily mean that the plastic parts themselves will be flexible, but rather, it means that this method of production is adaptable to the types of materials that can be used for your project. The selection of materials is wider for plastic injection molded parts, and these projects allow for a greater variety of colors as well. For parts that will meet your exact requirements, choose plastic injection molding.

5. Advantages to Using Plastic Injection Molding: Automation to Save Manufacturing Costs

Just as plastic injection molding saves time through automation, plastic injection molding also saves significant costs. Automatic molding tools keep operations streamlined and production ongoing, all with minimal supervision, which ultimately cuts labor costs. Furthermore, our injection molding process is efficient, so as to eliminate unnecessary waste. Because our methods reduce scrap, material costs are made more manageable as well, making plastic injection molding ideal for almost every type of customer.

Discover for yourself the considerable advantages of plastic injection molding by getting in touch with a member of the AIM Processing team!

Topics: Plastic Injection Molding, Plastic Types, Small Plastic Parts

Jon Gelston

Written by Jon Gelston