AIM Processing Small Plastic Parts Blog

Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness in Today’s Plastic Injection Molding Industry

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 7, 2023 2:01:00 AM / by Jon Gelston posted in Plastic Injection Molding Defects, Plastic Types, Quality, Plastic vs. metal, Texture, Small Plastic Parts, Choosing the right plastic injection molder, Nylon Injection Molding, plastic injection molding Colorado

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For at least the past decade, plastics have often been considered negatively in discussions concerning sustainability and eco-friendliness. But most of this is tied to single-use plastics and how they are handled after usage. Looking further upstream to plastic manufacturing, the reality may be more eco-friendly than one would think. The modern injection molding sector has become more and more concerned with sustainability and environmental friendliness. From the plastic materials that make up the products to the production equipment that molds them, along with all of the complex logistics behind shipping and supply chain management – today’s industry demands better sustainability at every turn.

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